The "Great Communicator"
Yes, the great communicator once said, and many will remember: "Government is not the solution to our problem, government *is* the problem."
And likewise, the sage said: "Teachings and systems and religions are not the solution to our problem, they *ARE* the problem."
Of course, although most ordinary humans hearing the first "great one-liner" will readily agree, because most detest the government - even in America, where the government is considered to be the most generous on Earth - almost no ordinary human could be found to agree with the second "great one-liner", because most are totally fascinated by the existence of teachings, systems, and religions on Earth.
How can this be? On the one hand, governments though accepted as necessary - if only to keep people in line, and foreigners at bay, so that all can benefit - are rounded believed to be overly-intrusive, too-large, and a necessary evil; but teachings and systems and religions are considered as absolutely necessary, and something that could never be done without.
Just consider, for a moment, a world where 1) governments did not exist, and a world where 2) spiritual teachings did not exist.
In the first case: if governments did not exist - no central command, no bodies of laws, no police, no military, no organized institutional services - ordinary life would crumble into mass chaos (presumably): everyone for themselves, the rest be damned!
In the second case: if teachings, etc., did not exist - no books, no people walking around telling other people there's something noticeably wrong with them and their lives - how would you ever discover "the problem" and how could you ever discover "the solution"?
Yet, seen from one clear perspective, governments and teachings are the EXACT equivalent of each other; the first for the masses of humans living in one external place, and the second for the masses of "I's" living in one inner place.
Perhaps, there's is something going on here - with the disdain for the one and the acceptance of the other - that is not only backwards, but deleterious, and might explain why so few humans ever do actually profit by their teachings (in the sense of "being"), but can only talk about their apparent understanding (and therefore, acceptance and approval) of their (apparently chosen) teaching.
Backwards? Yes. The real rebel, must LOVE inner governmental control, even if he has to overthrow the current king, and establish himself as omnipresent and omniscient ruler, while HATING external teachings and systems and religions of other men as mere pretenders, usurpers and puppet rulers which they actually are.