Monday, June 14, 2004

Thoughts and thinking

It's the easiest thing in the world for humans to talk about thoughts (ideas, concepts, theories) - and once you >>can<< talk, you do it, from morning till night and in your day and night dreams, you talk, talk, talk - about thoughts.

Even those without a seriously considered opinion can chime in, and often do, if only to show they, too, have a brain and something to say. Such is ordinary conversation.

And it makes absolutely no difference whether anybody knows what they're talking about - and most don't. All that matters is that the activity continues without interruption, all over the globe - and in that way humanity mechanically evolves and technology grows and expands, providing bigger and better living spaces for more and more longer-living humans.

But what is not easy, what is never easy, and can never BE easy, is to talk about thinking - not theorizing about the definition of the word, or the mechanics of the operations of the constituents of brain matter, but what, precisely, Thinking Is - and especially, what precisely is going on, when you personally are thinking. And, can you understand the difference between daydreaming (without any effort), intentional thinking (requiring considerable effort), and "revolutionary thinking", which is the kind that never happens by itself - waking up doesn't produce it, getting enlightened doesn't produce it, "grace" doesn't produce it, warm hugs from your guru doesn't produce it; in fact those things (or states of being, or conditions) only properly result from the longish-term, intentionally enforced, enhanced simplicity which is "revolutionary thinking."

It's a kind of thinking without words, with energy alone, that answers all questions before they even need to arise and consume your fragile attention, and taking you down long, lonely roads of confusion, and discontent.


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