Friday, October 13, 2006


It's not that somebody "knows" something or "understands" something you don't - not jesus, not buddha, not gurdjieff, not jung - but that you need to reorganize, restructure, rewire your nervous system, somehow, in order to reach in there and pull out what you want/need when you want/need it.

It's all in there.

And the forms that "knowledge" takes, is almost irrelevant, because all "knowledge" is fungible, due to differences in language, primarily, and the way in which thought is interpreted by the one "knowing" it. This, of course, accounts for the extraordinary differences (complexities) in the many, many teachings that have existed and do exist today. The "names" for things, including obviously, all intangibles, are really just variances in the way people talk about them, depending upon their language of choice, and the time of the day/year/century.


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