Friday, March 18, 2005

"The Malady"

There is a particular form of self-abuse, where a person continually picks at his skin, sometimes with pointy, or sharp-edged objects, resulting in the obvious - scratches, pricks, cuts, and bleeding, aaaah, the bleeding. (Side note: this is a modern-day malady often afflicting the young - often girls, sometimes boys, though boys have a particular version all their own, not discussed here.)

You see, it's not the poking and cutting that is the aim of these particular unfortunates, it's the bleeding that they so get off on.

If you saw a person with scabs all over his arms and legs, and you knew something about this malady, you'd probably want to do something about it - right? Tell them to get help, to see somebody, talk them out of doing that, and if they refused, you might even want to get pushy, but if they don't want your help, you'd probably have to give up - right? It's a free country, and if a person wants to bleed to death, from the "death of a thousand cuts", then it's their right - self-abuse, aaaah, the way of the fakir.

But, if this was the end of it - which it is for most ordinary humans (having never read this post, and wouldn't understand it or agree with it even if they did) - that would be one thing, but there is another area where the exact same malady occurs, but because it's hidden, and no one can see or understand it's effects, nearly everybody on the planet - at this point in their "career" as humans - suffers from it.

If you aren't immediately smiling (or smirking?) with recognition, as to where - precisely - this next paragraph is going, then you won't understand it, or agree with it, even after you read it.

Language is a tool, and Life has honed that tool to a million sharp and pointy edges that mankind, from the age of about 3 - when language (words, those sharp and pointy things) became resident inside his cranium - till the present day, driven by Life Itself, wields about quite indescriminately inside his neural cavity, slashing and sticking and poking and cutting and, like a surgeon in an operating theatre crazed on PCP, bleeds it's victims, in exactly the same way bodily self-abusers, described in the first paragraph, bleed themselves.

The AIM is the "blood", in both cases, and whereas it is red, gooey, and chemical - and even called >>blood<< - when applied to physicality, it's yellow, foggy, and electrical when applied to mentality, where it's called >>thoughts<<.

Humans are being purposely bled - to death - by Life, for purposes unknown to them, through the indescriminate use of language inside their own craniums, and ONLY when a person learns (some how, some way) to control the flow, to control the knife, can they stop their own demise before their time.

Those who can not, are those billions of blithering idiots, called normal human beings engaged, quite unWILLingly in telling their own "stories" from morning till night for no one, and the Grand Cultivator - Life Itself - is the only victor.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Full Frontal Fashion

Physical, silent consciousness, is a genetic expression of what you are - all the higher animals have their own unique expression (and just how low one would have to go before some creature did not appear to express some form of consciousness is unclear), and thus all lions express that consciousness similarly, as do gazelles, giraffes, rhinos, dogs, cats, monkeys, squirrels, rats, etc.

Gazelles never act like giraffes, dogs never act like cats, and squirrels never acts like rhinos - though, the thought *does* certainly bring a smile... Only "humans" do not act like Humans (capitalized, and without quotation marks), and that certainly brings an even wider smile!!

Humans, being part of the organic life on earth, and the highest animal in that global biosphere, are all a genetic expression of what they are, but there is something uniquely different about their expressions, than even their nearest genetic relatives.

And, obviously - for those who think about such things - it is due to language, i.e., the conscious part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, which is capable of thinking abstractly, symbolically, metaphorically, and representing the external world as perceived in it's entirety within the apparently limited confines of a 3 pound mass of gray matter.

And that is where humans differ - not only dramatically, but moreso - from their nearest genetic relatives, who have no such capacity, and don't even appear to be nearing the acquisition of such capacity. Humans are eons ahead of even the apes, and they are probably eons ahead of everything else. (While there is apparently nothing which is eons ahead of mankind.)

So, why would the biosphere - Life itself - need to make this unique creature, totally unique on this planet, and for all anybody knows, perhaps in the entire universe, and provide it with the capacity to think symbolically, and talk amongst themselves, sharing information about the world, that only they can?

There are theories of course - and they abound - but they are all just that. Individual evolution begins with a personal investigation, using oneself as the object of study, regarding the one significant question that any human can possibly ask: Why do I talk (so much, all the time, non-stop, AD NAUSEUM!!) when my natural silent consciousness is more than sufficient, and EVERYBODY (from swamis to gurus to masters, etc.) says in (really) no uncertain terms: stop thought, stop thinking, stop talking... meditate, be mindful, remember yourself.

That is, what is going on that, on the one hand, Life has created all creatures - including man - with a degree of consciousness suitable for their profitable existence, but only Mankind with something else, which all of (supposed "more enlightened") humanity agrees is something to stifle, stop, slow down, and eventually, shut down entirely, in favor of changing the relationship between silent and talking consciousness from 1%-99%, to 50%-50%, or even 100%-0%??

Jump right in if you dare. You don't have a clue, but you might have some fun making stuff up.

Here's a little hint/shove/push: Talk covers the sheer nakedness of natural, physical, silent consciousness, so as to pretend - full frontal fashionistas that we are - to be "Something-or-other" for the world to see, NOT, NOT, NOT because something is wrong, NOR that the "self" or "mind" is operating incorrectly (as the faux enlightened advaitins might incorrectly suggest), but something else entirely.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Why do you TALK so much?!?

Think about it - yeah right, as if you CAN think about it, as if you can get past the "so much" part of the question that probably reacted somewhat, oh I don't know, negatively with your "image of yourself", as if the question is a criticism about how much you talk.

But, that's not really the question worth asking. Here's the real question. Why do you TALK... at all?!? (and here, talk means write, and they both mean, 'think')

Consider your basic physical consciousness, that allows you to get dressed - reasonably correctly, shoes on feet, pants on legs, shirt on back, hat on head - and go outside - without falling down the stairs - and take a walk in the park - without tripping over the bushes and running into joggers and stepping in the doggy-dodo - and without a lot of unnecessary conversation in your head, take in the scenery, looking and listening and smelling the natural surroundings and feeling the warmth of the sun and coolness of the breezes on your skin while being noticeably uplifted by the entire experience - such as you are able.

Consider all that, and how your physical, silent consciousness has absolutely no need of conversation to experience that hours-long walk in the park, returning refreshed and enhanced in every way...

Then, you sit down at your keyboard, and start pumping your typical nonsensical drivel into cyberspace, and for the next 10-12 hours, it's TV, radio, email, telephone, chatting with your kids and spouse and friend(s), and more email, until beddy-by time.

Consider all that, and how your noisy, talking consciousness has virtually taken over 95-99% of your consciousness, and you're neither "upset", "dismayed", or in agreement about that assessment. "Who, ME?!? I'm not like that, I'm in total control here!!"

Ok. Fine. So, answer the question without another one of your typical dodges, side- steps, and distracting changes-of-subject/context: Why do you TALK? When your silent, physical consciousness is so well-equipped to live well, happily, and without undue concern about life. Why wouldn't ANYONE - realizing all this - prefer a lifetime of at least a 50-50 split between physical and talking consciousness?

But, that's NOT what we have kiddies. It's much more like 95-99% talking, and 1-5% AT MOST silence. And if you doubt those numbers, then you just haven't looked. Don't forget the 8 hours in beddy-by - the talk doesn't stop.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


If there's one thing humans can be absolutely counted upon doing, it is bleeding profusely when cut, which has even been immortalized in a famous line that goes, "If you prick me, do I not bleed?" as if, claiming to be human - and supporting it with proof - is such a great thing. Yes, Mr. Shylock, humans bleed when cut - so what? What's your point? Dogs do it, Cats do it, Cows do it, Sheep do it.

There's another thing humans can be counted upon not doing, and that is stopping the bleeding once it has started. Apparently, the flow is pleasurable to them, and to stop the flow would be just too unbearable to consider, so bleed they do, from birth till death, a slow, oozing bleed, from many and daily increasing number of cuts, so that humans have sort of a pinkish-reddish glow around them, which also emanates heat and a dull, almost freakish light.

Makes a pretty sickening picture doesn't it?
Makes me laugh. I wonder why.
Perhaps because I'm angry, or sick. Who cares?
At least I've stopped bleeding.
At least the glow has subsided.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Word Wars

Men don't start wars, words do.
Men don't start arguments, words do.
Men don't fool men, words do.
Men aren't confused, ignorant, "un-enlightened", words are.
Men don't wake up, become conscious, "enlightened", words do.

As such, men are just the playing field of the words engaged in an ongoing struggle, not only for the available territory for which they live and die, but for the amusement of the Great Omni-Linguist in the Sky.

Humans don't know about this, though they - each one - suspect it from an early age, which is why they set up schools, and educational institutions to teach languages to each other, so as to have at least the possibility of defending themselves against the interminable, unstoppable, never- ending onslaughts brought on by the waves of words upon them.

But, of course, it's all to no avail, though it does bring a smile to the Great Omni-Linguist in the Sky, knowing as it does - since it made all the rules - that running about and bumping into each other is what generates the Life energy that powers the whole thing.

Men are batteries, and words are the electrons and ions, positive and negative, that attract and repel and build up within them:

Try to think about this with a straight face, I dare you!!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Schiavo Schmiavo

There is nothing like a worldwide BFD to bring out the two halves of humanity - the "I'm for it"'s and the "I'm against it"'s - in fact, the way these BFD's are reported, is calculated (not by the reporters, of course, who are clueless, but by the brains which inhabit the heads of the reporters) to divide humanity into one or the other camp.

WHY?? Ask yourself about this, without instantly smartassing, or wiseacring about it.

It would seem that Life, which is behind all BFD's, wants mankind to talk about which side they are on, and when they don't KNOW which side they are on, they are literally FORCED (by a microphone being shoved in your face - or someone asking you >>the question<<) to make a decision, and state their decision/position, internally and even externally.

WHY?? What could Life possibly be gaining - and make no mistake, Life always gains in these transactions - by forcing humanity to take a position, and state it publically (first for themselves to know 'what I think', and second so others will know), knowing (as it surely does) that which ever side is taken is absolutely irrelevant - neither side is, nor can be, "correct" or "incorrect", "better" or "worse", "right" or "wrong", not certainly to Life.

It doesn't make a bit of difference that Schiavo finally died, or my brother finally died, or your sister finally died, or you finally die - not to Life (there are more than enough "yous" to go around - to get the bigger job done) - but to the rest of humanity, it appears to make some difference, but perhaps, it doesn't make enough difference to humanity to naturally "force" a comment about it (that is, going back into mankind's talking history, to jump start his talking consciousness, his ability to talk at all which carries forward even into today.)

Perhaps, Life somehow realized that DEATH, and especially the death of the near-and-dear was a viable way, callou callay, oh frabjous day, to jump start the consciousness of man out of it's natural, silent, physical-only state of human consciousness, to the next evolutionary level of talking consciousness we all know so well today.

However, oddly enough, once that level of consciousness had been reached - those many thousands of years ago - Life >>seems<< to have stopped right there, stopped SHORT!!! of going further, into the next level of consciousness only a few know, and fewer are willing to discuss publically.

For example, bringing all this right down into the present day, which side do YOU fall on? Are you on the side that approves entirely of the way Terry was handled, tubes withdrawn, allowed to starve to death... finally for chrissakes!, or, do you fall on the side that heartily DISapproves of the way she was mis-handled, OR...

Yup, that's the keyword there... OR

Now, how would you describe to yourself that third position, you now claim you in your presumptive enlightened understanding have obtained/ reached?

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Intelligence and Belief

There is a direct inverse relationship between intelligence and belief mediated by fear, yup the big F.

The more intelligent one is, the less they believe in stuff - from Sandy Claws, to Easter Bunny, to God and his evil twin - and fear, yup the big F, is directly affected.

The more intelligent one is, the less fearful.
The less intelligent one is, the more fearful.

The most intelligent one can be - while locked inside a human body -is to be totally without fear about anything, including death.

The least intelligent one can be - is to be totally fearful about almost everything.

It's absolutely NO WONDER, that waking up, becoming enlightened, being liberated, are just euphemisms for becoming Intelliigent (with 3 i's), while being asleep, being in prison, part of the herd, are just euphemisms for being Ignorant (or, to be fair, "ordinarily intelligent" (with 2 i's), i.e., normal.

Go figure, if you dare you fearless ones.

Friday, March 11, 2005

"Sitting at the feet of..."

Whenever a person willingly "sits at the feet of..." another human, regardless of their claimed, or assumed position in life, either mundanely or spiritually, the one at the bottom can learn something from the one on top. And, after that (set of) transactions have occurred, they can switch positions, and the same law holds true.

If people could understand this PRIOR to the debasing act of "sitting at the feet of..." they would already comprehend much about what understanding means - both in the literal sense, and the metaphorical sense.

The "idea" (that everybody bandies about >>as if<< they understand it, but in fact, they don't - because if they did, they would stop saying it) that Life is really the only and best teacher, or put another way (so as to "include" themselves in the equation), anyone can be your teacher... the clerk, the beggar, the businessman, the mother, whomever, is a variation on the genetic realization mentioned in the first paragraph.

Go figure.

Ok, here's an ad hoc figuring, since I'd bet $1000 dollars I mentioned it first, but then, who could prove it either way... take ANY person on this or ANY email list - it doesn't matter - and try to "sit at the feet of" just that ONE person, let him/her be your one and only teacher for the moment, try to UNDERSTAND what they are teaching you (because that is ALL everyone is doing everytime they open their mouth, everytime they write a post, everytime they anything (within your ear- and/or eye-shot) - they are teaching YOU something you need.)

That is to say, if you actually listened to what somebody was trying to tell you, and seriously attempted to "do as you were told", you would make (the kind of) progress in whatever "thing" of which you are attempting to make progress, according to you.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Logic can't help you

If you want to fix something which has broken down in your house, like your toaster, or iron, logic is your best friend. With an ordinary amount of logic, you can look at the problem, analyze the situation, develop a suitable plan of action, get started, and even if you're just a high school graduate, sometimes even less, you can very often complete the project successfully, one way or the other. Logic, what a tool!

But - ah shucks, there's always a but, ain't there? - if you want to fix yourself, which in your opinion must surely need to be fixed, since with no effort at all, you or anybody can list 15 to 50 problems in your life, from your personal interactions with other people, to your obvious lack of understanding about the greater ideas available to those with at least a normally functioning brain. Not only does the investigation necessarily stop short, right there, you can not even understand the problem, let alone analyze it, develop a plan, get started or complete successfully. Logic, what a tool! Except that it can't help you one iota!!

Who knows this? Nobody knows this! And the proof is that in every single area of human endeavor where the subject under investigation is the human being, especially the psychology of the human being, the spirituality of the human being, the esoteric evolution of the human being, the ONLY thing available of which you have access, are books, which were (99.999% of the time) written by people who don't understand that logic can't help you (and even more rare than books, are authors/teachers who don't know this either), and thus, their extremely logical theses - regardless of the title, area of study, bibliography, and most, most especially, the lists of supposedly credible reviewers and other log-rollers who hold the effort in their highest regard - the book will not help, the book CAN NOT help you... nothing can help you... yes, virginia, you're screwed, up the river without a paddle, and barking up the wrong tree when all you've got AT YOUR COMMAND is logic.

Well, unless and until you discover something about the way human consciousness operates in all human beings, including yourself even on good days. There is something else, men have called "insight", "inspiration", "awareness", "perspicacity", "epiphany", and a hundred other euphemisms for the ONLY thing that can truly help you - and ONLY when it's AT YOUR COMMAND.

I won't bore you further with the details, but don't be so certain either that you already know it, or that I don't.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Tattoes on the brain

There was guy who was so sure he was "right about things", so sure he had "seen the light", that he decided to have his thoughts tattoed on his brain, so as never to forget them even when confused or in the dark. The idea was sound, he found someone to perform the operation, he picked out the color scheme and chose the appropriate font, and when the day and hour finally approached he entered the clean room wherein the performance was to occur.

First they removed the top of his skull in order to expose the yards and yards of tightly furrowed gray matter whereupon the designs were to be engraved, and while the surgeons were unfolding the folds in order to begin the intricate process, they discovered a both horrifying and yet exhilarating sight that caused the entire team of artists and surgeons to gasp and shudder at the thoughts that quickly swarmed in their own minds.

Deep beneath one of the folds, behind a particularly hard to unfurl swath of yardage, one of the surgeons discovered a deeply imprinted serial number, about 17 digits long, in perfectly readable roman numeral characters: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M.

Well, the silence was so thick, you could have heard a gnat burp, as their faces went absolutely white with amazement, fear, excitement, and horror, when suddenly, before the pink came back into any of their faces, could be heard perhaps the loudest peal of laughter ever heard on this planet.

Then, believe it not, they all died of heart failure.

The end.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Words on a plate

It's funny how a simple recipe of words mixed together on a plate, sprinkled with a bit of magic sparkle dust, can seem to convey meaning to the consumer, but in fact, no such thing occurs.

Words are like conscious fruits, each one with a will of its own, that accumulate and mix together by external forces and internal affinities known only to themselves to form delicacies which can seem both palatable and digestible to the consumer, but in fact, no such thing occurs.

It is not the words that are ingested and digested and transformed into something useful for the consumer, while leaving behind an accumulation of waste materials for later removal, for in fact, no such thing occurs.

Thoughts which take shape and are then transmitted to other
thoughts which take shape and are then transmitted to other
thoughts which take shape and are then transmitted to other
thoughts which take shape and are then transmitted to other
thoughts which take shape and are then transmitted to other
thoughts which take shape and are then transmitted to other
thoughts which take shape and are then transmitted to other
thoughts weave and warp and woof their meaning in a thought
bubble that surrounds this planet connecting each and every
head that would hear it and transformation takes place deep
inside the brain cavity where flows an energy that enlivens
and sustains each head whose continued existence is assured.

When the talking stops
the bubble bursts, and
the words are set free.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Language, talk

Language, and it's physical manifestation, talk, does not need anything from man - far from it. Man needs/requires more from talk, than talk needs from man.

Those millions of humans (talking apes) taking one side in an ongoing social argument/conflict (euthanasia, right-to-life, being just two currently heated ones), do so because Talk makes them do it; just as those taking the other side do so because Talk makes them do it; just as those on the periphery who apparently (by their, ahem, comments) don't have an opinion either way, don't because Talk makes them do it.

Except in certain cases of physical, material, scientific matters, man is not in charge of the things that flow through his brain/mind -regarding non-physical, non-scientific, intangible matters - that gives rise to the words that come out his mouth and/or through his fingers and onto paper or keyboard. And, if you seriously believe that you, personally ARE in charge, then answer this: ... what ... are ... you ... going ... to ... say ... ... next! [see, you have no clue**].

As such, man is not in control of himself, of the things that he says, though with practice, and an "observing I" in place - being able to observe the intellectual center operating - he can edit "in-place" and sometimes, when the skill is honed, edit "before-the-fact".

Such humans, with this unnecessary skill, can in fact, inhibit the natural desire to argue with other humans, and when the skill is honed even further, to transform the natural desire to argue with themselves, to what might be called, a new kind of intelligence that does not need, nor even utilize "conversation" to get to the bottom of things.

ps- **if you answered, above, that you did in fact know what you were going to say next, then either you were lying to yourself, or you aren't seeing clearly. Even in those extreme cases where you can see in advance what you are going to say next, you must be able to realize - for yourself - that such is NOT the norm, but extraordinary in the extreme.

pps- and, of course, you have already totally forgotten about that (your condition described above), and will never again remember it, unless somebody ELSE reminds you about it...

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Euthanasia (Greek, "good death") is the practice (the action) of killing a person or animal, in a painless or minimally painful way, for merciful reasons, usually to end their suffering.

The word, verbalized as euthanasia (the thought about the action), like many, many similar words humans are identified with (in the sense that they "identify" their sense of self with the position they take, verbally, on the subject) is a self-limiting device, language uses to keep humans "in their place" (in the same way a nail could be used to keep you in the basement, by nailing your foot to the basement floor).

Becoming free of the effects of language - while sounding like something that "could be done" (if only you knew how) - is what awakening, enlightenment, liberation is all about (if it can be "said" that those "terms" are "about something", "pointing to something")

Becoming free from language - willfully moving away from the mother's teat which language is/has become for humans - requires a certain kind of absolutely unnecessary effort, that one must acquire a "taste for", in the same way that one might actually "love" brussels sprouts (it is generally not natural to love brussels sprouts, except in an extremely small minority of humans.)

That is, loving consciousness MORE than the words about consciousness... loving being conscious MORE than talking about it... to the point of experiencing something that one knows (only for oneself, and which can not be proven to another nor should even be attempted), could only BE experienced while over the line of demarcation (the ties that bind) that represents one's lifelong attachment to (identification with) words.

The reason people all over the planet are presently engaged in this discussion about euthanasia - and killing a brain-dead (or extremely damaged) woman as an act of kindness - is NOT because one viewpoint is right above all others, and they (who are so engaged/caught up in the discussion) must enlighten the rest as to that rightness, but rather to continue the confusion that exists in humanity about the topic, which, of course, is right order - the "higher right".

Conversation is NOT about clearing things up. Conversation is about continuiing the confusion - the "higher right".

Life is the higher right, not the viewpoints of a bunch of confused humans who have yet to discover what Life is doing, nor why it's (apparently) doing it.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Suckling pigs

Modern pigs are rooting animals, so although their heads don't look so large, they still need strong muscles (and significant attachment sites) to generate the high forces necessary to plow their noses through the ground. As you'd expect, they also can't lift their heads above their shoulders (It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.)

(keys: attachment sites - where they are identified; plowing the ground - studying the writings/writers of old; lifting their heads to the sky - activating unused and unknown parts of their cerebral cortex.)

Humans are like that, you know, whether or not you appreciate being compared to rooting animals, and whether or not you consider humans at the level of suckling pigs.

They are, nevertheless, and in a quite specific way.

Language is the mother sow, and humans are still suckling at her teat because that mother will not - unlike real farm swine - kick them away when they continue to come back for more. As such - in their childish behaviors exhibited so graphically by their "understanding" (lack thereof) of what language has done to their higher intellectual centers - language has kept them intellectually infantile.

Suckling pigs - humans, including college professors, nuclear physicists, spiritual gurus, religious leaders, political pontificators, literary poets and novelists, and the general population - are not just *afraid* of walking away from mommy dearest, they are not *wired up* to walk away, they are not *supposed* to walk away - that's what the "sounder of swine" requires to stay together (group of pigs is called a "sounder.")

But, for a suckling pig to "grow up" and become the hog that it is in reality (pigs are hogs under the age of about 10 weeks of age), it must invent a new language, a new fuel to empower it, and stop relying upon the mother's milk it was born to die repeating and repeating and repeating - for the sounder, for the sounder.

Friday, March 04, 2005


If a person actually had the intelligence the writers of dictionaries ascribe to mankind in general ("a fast-moving stupidity-wave?"), he would not need, nor want to, study the writings of those humans who've already passed away, regardless of their oft-reported level of attainment, unless he wanted to become a scientist - someone who studies physical/material matters of any and all kinds - wherein the primary rule seems to be: "why re-invent the wheel?" (based upon the correct idea: you don't have enough time to "catch-up")

But if a person wanted to know about non-scientific, non-material matters - like awareness, consciousness, awakening, enlightenment, liberation, psychology, philosophy, etc., etc., including the all-inclusive "What makes me and humanity tick?" - "inventing the wheel" is your only choice, as there are no wheels that you can utilize in there (or can even insert in there) - between the ears -you have to invent your own, and then you have to learn to ride them to actually "go anywhere."

The nay-sayers who, in their assumed cleverness and intelligence reply: "There is no where to go, and no one to go there, and no there in any case" (blah, blah, blah), or "Hey, they're time-honored methods - that's gotta make 'em good, doesn't it?" (yada, yada, yada), say that because they themselves have never gone anywhere other than where external forces have pushed them, and getting older, and feebler, have simply given up - and now can only talk about what their heroes talked about (blah, blah, and yada, yada).

Funny thing about "inventing" wheels, and then "learning" to ride them, and then "going somewhere new" - you can only describe in the most general of terms, what works for you, and what works for you only works when it >>did<<, and then it's time to invent something new, so you're always in a mode - when you (almost literally are coerced to) discuss such things - of describing that which you've already surpassed, gone beyond, and "outgrown".

When you can't invent on your own, discuss prior inventions of others, and complain about and criticize others who discuss them -that, is the primary rule of the general population on planet earth, who need to read the dictionary more often, and try to apply what they read.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Humans have become thoroughly and completely seduced by their language, and that seduction - by a "beast" which did not even need to seduce them, being perfectly able to fuck them at will - has caused and does continue to cause all the confusion that runs rampant on this planet today, yesterday, and the day before that...while they remain oblivious.

Humans are like, oh I don't know, monkeys that woke up one morning and opened their mouths to welcome the morning with their hoots and whistles and yowls and calls, and suddenly discovered they had a new voice - to them both sweet sounding yet shudderingly scary - as they knew not from where it emerged.

After a short while, minutes perhaps, maybe as much as an hour or two, it became quite clear - at least to a few of them - that the new voice was coming from inside their own heads, and that shocking realization engendered a sense of "love", also quite new to them, as well as it's counterpart, "fear/hate", each of which terms had yet to be discerned as distinct from the general background noise their new voice had now become.

As the process now developing between their ears became more and more efficient, many more words - and their attendant feelings - arose in these previously dumb beasts, and they were now able to share the results of this mental/emotional activity with their group.

Within a very short time, all the concepts their species were even capable of hearing in their heads, were heard, shared, and - after the day's work of gathering food, eating it, fucking each other whenever possible, and sleeping were not taking center stage -discussed.

Since then, even until the present day, the thoughts in their heads -older than any of them could possibly imagine - continue to amaze, and confuse them, being as they are more wonderful than any sexual partner, right up there with food, rest, and fucking. Talk is now, and has been for thousands of years, the fourth S (along with sustenance, shelter, and sex), speech.

Humans - those talking apes in this factual story (like it or not, argue with it or not, agree/disagree with it or not) - owe their general state of mass confusion and mass delusion, to their being so enamored of, and distracted by the language (the words, the ideas, the concepts), that it blinds them to what is actually going on - how it happened, how it's still happening - and it will continue to blind them because there is almost no possible way to get free from their "beloved" short of an intentional prefrontal lobotomy. This meta-whore, language - again, who no longer even needs to seduce them, being perfectly able to fuck them AT WILL - is paid, and must be paid, in blood.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sex is a principle

The two lobes of the human brain, are the female and male halves of the human organism. Contained within those two lobes, are all human possibilities realized.

The female side, the left side, creates culture - all word-based human activities. The male side, the right side, creates technology -all image- based activities.

This *seems* to go counter to the notion that men are left- brained, and women are right-brained. Sometimes (if not all-the-time), if something can be considered correct in *one direction*, it can also be considered correct in the *other*.

This is why females can - and even seek - descriptions of sexual activity and can become aroused, even orgasmic thereby. While males rarely can - preferring images of sexual activity.

Thought about Images - the left brain considering the right brain -generates all stories, mythologies, religions, philosophies, psychologies explaining what is seen. Thought does not, by itself, modify the external world, being totally focussed upon the man.

Images about Thoughts - the right brain considering the left brain -creates all changes, modifications, improvements to material images, and picturing what is invented thereby. Imagery does not, by itself, invent stories about mankind in the external world.

It is said that women are sexual over their entire body, while men are sexual in only one place. Perhaps, consciousness is a feminine trait, in that consciousness is attention over their entire body, while the masculine counterpart is attention in only one place.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

People, I think.

People believe they are individuals, because they sense their bodies as separate from the floor, walls, and furniture - and from that perspective they are correct.

In the same way, people believe their ideas are personal, because they sense personal enjoyment by the sudden emergence of certain "emotionally-tinged" thoughts - usually, just memories - and irritation by the sudden emergence of other people's thoughts.

But, it's all a sham. Look how readily each and every one of them, pepper their speech with the quotation of others, even going so far as correctly attributing those quotations (though usually, they fail to do that). They derive a real sense of enjoyment in that activity - quite mechanical to them - and that enjoyment, from speaking/writing someone else's idea(s), supports their own belief of individuality.

People (the mind) are playing dress-up, and the suit of clothes in which they dress themselves up, are those others whose ideas they so freely speak and so-conveniently forget to correctly attribute. Fred "sees" himself as Mr. X., and so he speaks Mr. X's ideas as though they came from his own understanding. Mary "sees" herself as Mr. Y., and so she speaks Mr. Y's ideas as though they came from her own understanding. And Fred and Mary, remain completely in the dark, as to what is really going on.

But, don't fret for Fred, don't mope for Mary - hell, they don't.