Friday, December 26, 2003


Why do otherwise sane people read huge roadside billboards? Because their minds want to be spun. Not because there's any pertinent info there.

All people, to believe they're doing anything useful with their lives, must believe they are part of some great tradition, religious, philosophical, metaphysical, etc. Which is, spinning.

Whereas, to see what's really going on, you CAN'T be part of some tradition, because if you are, you're seeking to be spun.

Now, there is a reality to these traditions, it stirs something in all people - as all traditions are, admittedly, about 'waking up', 'mindfulness', 'living in the here and now'; but notice, none include the missing term, 'mentally'. Waking up mentally; Living in the here and now mentally. That is the Direct Way to experience.

If 'mindfulness' (or 'self remembering') strikes you as being IMPORTANT, because it has a known, long tradition, with many extant and easily obtainable books, and groups of people following them, would it still strike you the same way even if you did not know about it's tradition? Is it the historical tradition that strikes you genetically, or is it the idea itself that strikes you?

The 'tried and proven' seems to be the reason why such ideas strike people, but it's so much more than that. People get lulled, after considerable time 'on their ways', into being somewhat satisfied with their results - meager as they are - and it becomes detrimental to them. When you find some 'method' that seems to work - whatever they called it (notice, it's always named by someone else...) - wear that sucker out, and then look for something else, directly. Of course, that means you have to be at the point of being able to invent your own (you can't be looking around for someone else's billboards.)

When you get good, you can sometimes be done with certain methods in a day or two, and really start movin'.


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