Thursday, December 04, 2003


"Interesting" is an interesting word. You could look it up in the dictionary, the thesaurus, the encyclopedia, but why bother - you already know what it means and use it a lot.

But do you? I think not.

What is interesting, and to whom? Why is something interesting to you, and yet objectionable or un-interesting to another? If something is genuinely interesting, why is it not interesting to everyone with a brain, who can perceive what you perceive?

If you were not interested in this list, and the subject matters referred to herein, you would likely not be here. You'd get bored or irritated and leave. So are you really interested? Or is something else occurring?

What if "interest" is a molecular transfer of energy in you that you are not totally aware of, yet feel - the way you feel heat on the skin, or a pinprick? What if you could control what you are interested in? What if you could move the energy in you from one place to another, and benefit in some unknown way?

That would mean that you either could be interested in EVERYTHING, or NOTHING - your choice. You would not be driven by such interests, you'd be driven by your own inner desire for the directed movement of energies, from one place to another, for a purpose of which only you were aware.

What if such a capability would allow you to SEE things, that others don't see, and thereby extract information which goes unextracted by the masses. In that way, you would not need any particular external source to stir your interest - which is, presently, without such capability, the only way you derive enjoyment out of life at all. If you're not interested in religion, you'll not spend hours a day reading religious books. If you're not interested in sports, you'll not spend hours a day reading about sports.

Also, and this is key, if you're not properly interested in Enlightenment, you'll never achieve the benefits pointed to by those whose interest is real, or essential. You'd be, what is derogatorily described, a dilettante. Dilettantes do not achieve anything, because they can not extract the pith - the important or essential part.

They are still driven by "interest" and they have no comprehension of What they are interested in, nor Who is actually interested.


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