Friday, December 26, 2003


The only place doing has any importance or significance is between the ears. You can do many things, and not do many things, with the body - you can raise your right arm right now (see?), you can lower your arm too (see?), but what you can't do, and what you'll likely never be able to do, is do your thinking, the way you can do your breakfast, do your drive to work, do your christmas shopping. That which comes out your mouth or fingers, happens in the same way balls roll down hills. (Until, you can remember the First Story.)

Why is waking up so difficult for so many? It's not so difficult for the body, at 7:15 a.m. when the clock radio alarm goes off to that noisy rock station. Once it "learns" how to set the clock, and the alarm time, and the station number, and push the start button, it can literally and totally forget about it - and even a forgotten alarm clock works perfectly every day. (The body knows it's First Story, that's why it can learn.)

Yet, a person hears about, gets excited about, changing his mental state, acquiring a state of mindfulness, mentally - from being asleep up there, to being awake, mentally - and can't get past the initial realization that "I was asleep right then." This is like the body, hearing the alarm go off, but going immediately back to sleep - such a body, would never get out of bed. Such a mind, operating as described above (self-observation), goes immediately back to sleep -as such, the mind never gets out of itself.

There is nothing pulling the mind out of itself, the way a big, foreboding "something" pulls the body out of bed - dying, starving, freezing, etc. The physical world pulls the body out of bed, because the DNA knows it's own First Story - "without food/shelter you die!!"

There must be created something to pull the mind out of itself, in an exactly similar way - to remain conscious. And that, is knowledge of the First Story - not the body's, but a new one (that bears repeating, a NEW ONE!!)


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