Friday, January 07, 2005

Teachers and their flocks

Or, if you like, Students and their mentors.

But, that duality does not exist, though everybody thinks just exactly otherwise, and "I can prove it!" they say, "Just lookee over here... and over there... SEE?".

But, they can't prove it, because if they understood something, they'd already know, there ARE no students, only teachers. (Now, obviously, we're not talking about teaching someone with a blue thumb how to grow vegetables, or build bridges out of trees, or catch wildboar on the hoof with only a knife - that's a different "animal" (punny, huh?). No, we're talking ONLY about that internal, mental world of talk, men are so well known for all around the planet - well, by those who can talk of course - such wholly intangible subjects as morality, love, justice, enlightenment, liberation, waking up, etc.)

In those intellectual pursuits - reading and talking about that reading, which 99.99999% of the time is the order these things occur - EVERYONE is the Teacher, and there are no students, period!!

(You know what I'm referring to here, right? So I don't need to elaborate on this, right?)

Ok, ok, someone needs more "proof!"

Everybody - bar none, including you (if you needed that itsy-bitsy qualifier) - is a Teacher, period, and there are no "students," period, because in all things mental, thought-based, intellectual, regarding non-material matters, and non-survival matters, everybody is ONLY talking about their own consciousness' point-of-view regarding whatever they're talking about. That is, there is no one on the planet who has more direct access, in realtime, to the "conscious part of the brain" (in your own head) that thinks those thoughts running around in there, some of which reach your lips and fingers. No one.

Therefore, you are Teaching everybody you come into contact with, either verbally in person, or via an email message, something about your own inner world, viz. the "conscious part of the brain" that uttered/wrote those sentences. Top to bottom, YOU are the teacher of yourself, and there is no "student" out there, per se, just other teachers of themselves.

Now, there is only one leeeeeetle problem with all this, and you know what that is, right? In general, nobody realizes this situation, in realtime, and as such, there's nobody home when the Teacher is "in session", thus all that brilliant material just literally goes up in smoke, helping no one.

Well, there it is. My bit of teaching about "my" conscious part of the brain as it was compelled to teach it this time. Hopefully, for me, the next one will as interesting for me, as this one was. As for you, well, don't you think it's time for YOU to start teaching yourself?!?

ps- instead of constantly, and continuously referring to everybody else on the planet as, "people I admire and learn from" yada-yada-yada, or (as more usual) "people I don't admire and disdain" yada-yada-yada.


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