Sunday, January 02, 2005

Endless chatter... good for the world-soul!

Yes, believe it or not, endless, mindless, frittering away of unnecessary neurons (not to mention the time it takes to do so), occupying hundreds or thousands per chat, burning off all those useless neuropeptides (peptides released by neurons as intercellular messengers) not otherwise needed for more creative thoughts, and building up due to the constant barrage of local- and world-events you can't help but be an individual garbage-pail for, is good for the world-soul!

It cleans out the tubes, unclogs the synapses, like an enema for the brain. Even though it almost always leaves you feeling (if you can feel it) rather spent, having accomplished absolutely nothing at all (if you can realize it), there is another feeling which builds up instead, you could call 'community', or 'sharing', or 'reaching out', or 'participation', or 'doing-your-part' for the world-chatter, which of course is the bedrock of the world-soul.

Let's hear it for >>endless chatter!!<<


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