Monday, May 10, 2004

Bullet-time, and Building-jumping

It always makes me laugh outloud so that even the cats jump out of the room in utter amazement, when someone pushes the "experience" trap, over the concept of Thinking.

They are the ones, who would be so friggin afraid to jump from one building to another (because they had no prior "experience"), they would start to cry if forced, from behind, by certain death. "Do it or else, coward!"

They are the ones, who simply can NOT remember, that any thoughts they've ever had before, or are having right this instant... (hear it?) is part of the same "experience" they are already pushing.

But - sadly - because they can't remember that, can't Think about it, at all, they cower in place like a baby, in a puddle of prior remembrances of past experience, always touting them - to all and everybody - as being the quintessential bit of reality they are "connected to" (or so they say).

"Don't think," they say. "Stop all thought," they say, "Experience the Silence," they say. Without ever discovering what the hell they were just forced to say, nor why they were forced to say it.

All humans are forced to say the same things over and over, as obviously evidenced by the fact that people can't get into "bullet-time", nor "building-jump". Can't even discern what in the hell, THAT, could possibly mean. Such is life on planet earth.

-ps- bullets and buildings are metaphors, first, and symbols too.


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