Sunday, March 07, 2004

...mind loops around itself...

A human being is nothing more than his genetics. All attempts at adding more parts - like "essence", "personality", "features", "centers", "states" - is the mind attempting to name that which it believes it dwells within.

The mind does not dwell within a "something" which can be named, as to it's parts or to ITself as a whole.

What mind is doing - reading, writing, talking, discussing, trying to work out the details of all it's statements, trying to write the perfect sentence - is trying to get outside of the very dynamic which is creating all the sentences. Mind ruminates (thinks) about everything, in an attempt to get outside itself and SEE itself. But there is no out there.

No, there is no essence, no personality, no features, no centers, no states - other than This one moment. When you let the mind start running after itself, picking out things to talk about, that's taking your EYE/I off the ball.

Mind is trying to make you believe there is an outside, from where to see what's going on, because you can't see what's going on from inside - and IT (mind) knows it - but it tries anyway.

There's nothing BEHIND the intellectual, emotional and physical, when they're operational, and you don't even know when they are operational unless/until the mind is - brain death means no intellectual, emotional, physical to be aware of.

There's no point trying to direct attention at what lies BEHIND anything, as the effort cancels out both - if you GOT behind, there's now nothing in front, so you never actually "GOT behind".

Mind is a monstrous time loop, which you are not taking into consideration, can't take into consideration, because when mind is operating, time is looping.

Everyone's dreams about "other (better? higher?) states" are part of the problem of being asleep, as one is right now, RIGHT NOW!

What everybody like us - rebels, neural explorers, mystics in the making - is trying to do, is become alone and loving it.


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